PERDIX Ink Wildlife Tracking Cards (Pack of 5)
For either research or management projects, PERDIX Ink Tracking Cards are a simple and cost effective method for detecting the presence/ absence of mammals and other wildlife from their footprints. The cards are supplied pre-inked with a vegetable-based ink that will remain moist for many months. On the back of each card, the user can record useful information for future reference. Cards are 58mm wide x 300mm long and have a 100mm wide pre-inked section in the middle. At the centre of the card is a 32mm perforated circle that can be removed if using an attractant. Our tracking cards come in packs of 5.
Need cards in a different size or configuration? Please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Building on the success of our original ink tracking cards, our 2nd generation tracking cards incorporate new features to make them easier to use, more versatile and longer lasting. Whether being used for wildlife research or management projects, PERDIX Ink Tracking Cards are a simple and cost-effective method for detecting the presence or absence of mammals and other wildlife from their footprints. The cards are supplied pre-inked and just need to be unfolded and placed in a tunnel. Any visitors to the tunnel will then leave their footprints on the plain areas of the card at each end. Our tracking cards use a non-toxic vegetable-based ink that will remain moist for many months allowing for continuous monitoring of a site without regular visits to change cards. On the back of each card, the user can record useful information including site, tunnel number, date set, date checked and attractant. These portions of the card can then be separated from the inked area and kept for future reference. Cards are 58mm wide x 300mm long and have a 100mm wide pre-inked section in the middle. At the centre of the card is a 32mm perforated circle that can be removed if using an attractant. We recommend using our aluminium caps for holding the attractant. Our tracking cards come in packs of 5.
PERDIX ink tracking cards are ideal for:
Card dimensions
58mm wide x 300mm long
Inked area
58mm x 100mm (Located in centre of card)
Ink type
Non-toxic vegetable-based
Longevity of ink
>3 months
Pack size