PERDIX Tunnel for DoC 200
The PERDIX DoC 200 tunnel, designed for use with the DoC 200 Spring Trap for trapping grey squirrels, rats, mink, stoats and weasels.
Please note that the trap is not included with this tunnel. If you require DoC 200 trap with the tunnel please tick the box below.
The PERDIX DoC 200 Tunnel is constructed from WBP treated plywood with a hinged lid to allow easy access to the trap for baiting or removal of animals and a hasp and staple latch to allow the tunnel to be locked if required (supplied with carbine hook). The DoC 200 traps and tunnels are approved for use in the UK for trapping grey squirrels, rats, mink, stoats and weasels.
Use the PerdixPro Trapping Tool to remotely monitor your PERDIX DoC 200 Tunnel. Attach one of our trap tags to the tunnel and receive capture notifications via our free Portal or App. As well as detecting trap activations, the PerdixPro Trapping Tool is a feature packed trap management system that includes mapping, data recording and user management. There’s no charge to use the Portal or App, just purchase a trap tag and pay a small monthly fee when the tag is being used. Plans available from one to 12 months.
Tunnel dimensions
40 x 24.6 x 24cm (15.75" x 9.7" x 9.4")
Target species
American mink, Grey squirrel, Rat, Stoat, Weasel