PERDIX Clam Trap
The PERDIX Clam Trap has been designed in conjunction with the advisory service of the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust. It is designed to meet all legal requirements that pertain to the use of clam traps in the UK. The PERDIX clam trap has been designed to be larger than the majority of clam traps available on the market. When set, the trap is 40cm (15.75") wide, 50cm (19.5") long and 52cm (20") high. It also be used on it's own, baited with dummy eggs, or next to a standard Larsen trap.
The trap is activated when a bird perches on or walks into the wooden split-perch in the middle of the clam trap. Both halves of the perch are attached to the side of the trap to prevent them being lost when in use or during transportation. While the two rectangular rings at the top of the trap stop the two halves closing completely, the two latches prevent the trap from being opened after activation.
The PERDIX Clam Trap is made from high quality 1.75" x 1.75" (4.4 x 4.4cm) 3 mm weld mesh. This produces a much stronger trap compared to the usual 2" x 2" weld mesh used to construct this type of corvid trap. In addition, as with all of our live-capture cage traps, the PERDIX Clam Trap is welded together rather than clipped to further increase the strength of the trap and prevent sharp edges causing injury to captured birds. To protect the trap from corrosion and reduce its visibility while being used, the PERDIX Clam Trap has a high quality olive drab powder-coated finish. This trap uses two high quality stainless steel springs to ensure the doors close quickly when the treadle perch is activated.
Use the PerdixPro Trapping Tool to remotely monitor your Clam Trap. Attach one of our trap tags to the cage and receive capture notifications via our free Portal or App. As well as detecting trap activations, the PerdixPro Trapping Tool is a feature packed trap management system that includes mapping, data recording and user management. There’s no charge to use the Portal or App, just purchase a trap tag and pay a small monthly fee when the tag is being used. Plans available from one to 12 months.
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