PerdixPro Larsen Warning Sign
An effective warning sign to help stop interference with your Larsen. Made from laser-engraved UV stable plastic. They measure 148mm x 200mm and 1.8mm thick. Slots on each side allow the sign to be easily attached to the top or side of a larsen trap using the 2 cable ties provided.
An effective warning sign to help stop interference with your Larsen. Made from laser-engraved UV stable plastic. Signs are 70mm x 120mm for the small and 150mm x 200mm for the large, both are 1.8mm thick. Slots on each side allow the sign to be easily attached to the top or side of a larsen trap using the 2 cable ties provided.
Use the PerdixPro Trapping Tool to remotely monitor your Larsen cage trap. Attach one of our trap tags to the cage and receive capture notifications via our free Portal or App. As well as detecting trap activations, the PerdixPro Trapping Tool is a feature packed trap management system that includes mapping, data recording and user management. There’s no charge to use the Portal or App, just purchase a trap tag and pay a small monthly fee when the tag is being used. Plans available from one to 12 months.
148mm x 200mm or 70mm x 120mm