PERDIX exhibits at IUGB conference
PERDIX was pleased to attend and be a sponsor of the 36th International Union of Game Biologists (IUGB) conference last week in Warsaw, Poland. This well attended conference, held at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, covered a range of wildlife subjects from animal welfare, pathology and disease to hunting's place in modern society.
Many talks and posters discussed the demographics of large game species such as wild boar, particularly in relation to how best monitor populations in different landscapes. Camera traps were a popular choice although other methods including VHF radio-tracking, GPS tracking and DNA collection were also discussed. The reintroduction of species, including beavers, brown bears and wolves was also high on the agenda. Often the discussions would be related to human-wildlife conflict and its mitigation - a topic that is sure to increase in the UK over the coming years.
American mink surveillance and control projects were presented by wildlife biologists from countries across Europe. The threat of this non-native species on native wildlife populations was demonstrated again and again. The effective use of management techniques, including mink rafts and remote trap monitoring systems, were shown by large scale mink control projects in Finland and Greece.
From the UK, very interesting talks on woodcock, waterfowl and red fox were provided by scientists from the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) and the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT). The diet composition of foxes in areas where gamebirds are and aren't released in the UK provided the audience an interesting insight into this very topical subject. I for one very much look forward to learning more about this project.
Dr. Doug Manzer from the Alberta Conservation Association (ACA) gave an overview of the Enchant Project in Alberta, Canada. Doug showed how both game and non-game species can benefit from management practices aimed at increasing wild grey partridge and ring-necked pheasant populations. PERDIX are very pleased to be involved in this important project via the supply of equipment such as feeders and technical advice. You can read more about this project in a previous blog here.
We were very pleased to have a busy stand during coffee and lunch breaks. While questions about our products and services varied widely, most interest was around our PerdixPro Remote Monitoring System that has been specially designed for wildlife research, management and conservation projects. As a result of these conversations, we are looking forward to working with a number of new European partners soon. And, as always, our PERDIX caps and T-Shirts were also a hit with attendees, whether they were beginning or finishing their careers in wildlife biology!
The next IUGB will be held in Norway in 2025. See you there!